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  • 手抄报
  • 2023-07-22

法国的手抄报?法国手抄报内容如下:一、中国的手抄报文化 1、手抄报在中国的流行历史悠久,最早可以追溯到唐代。随着现代教育的发展,手抄报成为学生课余活动和考试评比中的必备项目。2、在手抄报的内容上,除了与学业相关的知识点外,那么,法国的手抄报?一起来了解一下吧。






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Walking through the field, you can probably smell the fragrance of the lavenders.As everyone knows,Provence is the heaven of the romance.

When spring comes, all of the lavenders come out and the fragrant smell give off into the air.When spring is coming ,everything is turning green.However,Provence doesn't go green because of the lavenders.This kind of purple flowers light the sky and make it become purple and blue.The sunshine drops on the blossoms of the lavenders and remain there to send the flowers more and more beauty.Warm wind flash through the field,and the little flowers dance to the wind slowly and softly.Colourful butterflies are hovering over the the blossoms and the birds are singing in a sweet voice. All the life seem to be peaceful and meaningful——even a leave falling off the grape trellis can send you plenty of romance and happiness.

It must be a great choice for you to ride a bike in the ocean of flowesr.You can feel the wind from southern France and notice it lightly stroke your face.After riding the bike, it's better to have a cup of cherry brandy,of cource, Provence is famous for its lavenders and wine.Maybe,the bouquet of the wine can send you to the old days.Life can be long lasting, just like the wine!














Middle East

Egyptian birthday parties are filled with dancing and singing when a child turns one year old. Flowers and fruit are used to decorate the party as symbols of life and growth. In Saudi Arabia, people do not celebrate birthdays due to spiritual beliefs. Religious holidays and weddings, however, are occasions for great celebration. At an Israeli child’s birthday party, he or she sits in a special chair which is decorated with fresh flowers and greens. To celebrate the child’s age, family and friends gather around the chair, lifting and raising it once for each year of life — plus one more for good luck!


When Japanese children turn 3, 5, or 7, it is thought to be especially lucky. They are allowed to participate in the upcoming Shichi-go-san Festival, which is celebrated annually on November 15. Shichi-go-san is a festival which is celebrated by parents to mark the growth of their children as they turn three, five, and seven years of age. Shichi-go-san literally means “seven, five and three”. These ages are considered critical in a child’s life. Particularly, at the age of seven, a young girl celebrates wearing her first obi(宽腰带), while at the age of five, a young boy celebrates wearing his first hakama pants in public. The age of three marks the first time whereby both boys and girls are allowed to let their hair grow. During this festival, children and their families visit a shrine(神祠), give thanks for good health, and ask to be blessed with continued well-being in the future. Afterwards, a family will often throw a party and give gifts to the child. Usually, parents buy a kind of candy called chitose-ame for their children. Chitose-ame means “a thousand years”. It is shaped like a stick and comes in a bag that carries illustrations(插图) of cranes(鹤) and turtles — two animals that traditionally symbolize longevity in Japan. The candy and the bag are both expressions of parents’ wish that their children lead long and prosperous(繁荣的) lives.


In China, people believe that tigers protect children. Family members bring newborns special food and present them with gifts of clothing or toys decorated with tigers. When a Chinese girl or boy turns one year old, a variety of objects and toys are placed on the floor around the child. According to ancient beliefs, the object that the child chooses is a symbol foreshadowing the profession he or she will pursue in life. In China, special noodles are also served for lunch in honor of the birthday person. The noodles are extra-long to symbolize a long life.


Filipino families display blinking(闪光的) colored lights to show that someone is having a birthday at his home. The whole family usually goes to church together to thank God, and a celebration with close family and friends may follow.


In Korea, “Paegil”, the 100th day after a child’s birth, is a day of feasting for the child’s family. Similarly, on a Korean child’s first birthday, a party called a “Tol” or “Dol” is held. Family and friends gather to enjoy food together and offer the one-year-old gifts of money.

Birthday traditions and spiritual beliefs

Religious beliefs have a strong effect on the way some people celebrate their birthdays. In Muslim cultures, people thank God, following the birth of a child, by giving gifts to the poor. After the child is a week old, its head is shaved. The family then donates an amount of silver equal to, and often more than, the weight of the child’s hair. Following this ritual, family and friends come together for a feast and a naming ceremony. It is expected that some of the food will be given to those in need as well. According to religious customs, Hindu children only celebrate their birthdays until they are 16. Until then, however, they do not go to school on their birthdays. Instead, a birthday is celebrated with a religious ceremony where a priest(牧师) blesses the child. On a Hindu child’s first birthday, his or her head is shaved while being held by a special fire. Removal of the hair cleanses the child of any evil in the past life, symbolizing a renewal of the soul. In many Jewish communities, a male child’s hair is not cut until he is 3 years old. On his third birthday, the boy’s first haircut is accompanied by a special ceremony called an upsherin, which also symbolizes the beginning of the child’s Jewish education.

回答者: niceccforever - 经理 五级 12-9 17:46


Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal buildings ever constructed.

The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, whose title was Pharaoh2. There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khu fu. Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall. How ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never been fully answered but the effort clearly required brains and brawn4.

Was there engineering genius involved? Yes, there was. For example, when you're putting the block right at the top, how are you going to lug5 a block of stone that weighs several tons 480 feet up a structure? How are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leaving scratches6 on all the rest of the structure? And how many people does it take to drag a block weighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? Approximately, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut, transported and assembled to create the Great Pyramid.

The Pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the end they created monuments to human potential. There's a universal message in the pyramids. The pyramids belong to Egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. That's why we can all identify the pyramids as an early monument of human greatness.

For being a man�made wonder that has survived the sands of time1, the pyramids rise to the number two spot.



