英语世界地球日手抄报?世界地球日手抄报内容英语如下:1、What is Earth Day? 地球日是什么? Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year.每年的4月22日是庆祝地球日。那么,英语世界地球日手抄报?一起来了解一下吧。
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1.1月1日元旦New Year's Day
2.2月2日世界溼地日World Wetlands Day
3.2月14日情人节Valentine's Day
4.3月8日国际妇女节International Women' Day
5.3月12日中国植树节China Arbor Day
6.3月14日白色情人节White Day
7.3月14日国际警察日International Policemen' Day
8.3月15日世界消费者权益日World Consumer Right Day
9.3月21日世界森林日World Forest Day
10.3月21日世界睡眠日World Sleep Day
11.3月22日世界水日World Water Day
12.3月23日世界气象日World Meteorological Day
13.3月24日世界防治结核病日World Tuberculosis Day
14.4月1日愚人节April Fools' Day
15.4月5日清明节Tomb-sweeping Day
1月7日世界卫生日World Health Day
17.4月22日世界地球日World Earth Day
18.4月26日世界智慧财产权日World Intellectual Property Day
19.5月1日国际劳动节International Labour Day
20.5月3日世界哮喘日World Asthma Day
"Would you mind telling me, Doctor," Bob asked ..."how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears pletely normal?" "Nothing is easier," he replied. "You ask him a simple question which everyone should answer with no trouble. If he hesitates, that puts you on the track." " Well, What sort of question?" "Well, you might ask him, 'Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?' Bob thought for a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, "You wouldn't happen to have another example would you? I must confess I don't know much about history."
世界地球日(Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员民众参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。地球日由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯于1970年发起。现今,地球日的庆祝活动已发展至全球192个国家,每年有超过10亿人参与其中,使其成为世界上最大的民间环保节日。
1、When I first conceived of Earth Daya global holiday to celebrate the wonder of life on our planet,I thought long and hard about the day on which it should fall.it must be meaningful.One that might be accepted universally for all of humankind.
2、When the Vernal Equinox dawned on meI immediately knew it was right.The Earth tremor that shook our California dwelling at that moment seemed an omen ofconfirmation.
3、What could be more appropriate than the first moment of Springwhen day and night are equal around the world and hearts and minds can join together with thoughts of harmony and Earth’s rejuvenationJust as a single prayer can be siginificant.
4、How much more so when hundredsthousands,millions of people throughout the world join in peaceful thoughts and prayers to nurture neighbor and nature.
5、And so it came to pass we initiated the celebration of Earth Day on March 21,1970.The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco,the City of Saint Francis,patron saint of ecology.
6、Designating the First Day of Spring,March 21,1970 to be Earth Day,this day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations where it is observed each year.
7、Earth Day was firmly established for all time on a sound basis as an annual event to deepen reverence and care for life on our planet.
8、Earth Day was first observed in Spring of 1970.An estimated 20 million people nationwide attendedfestivities out of which came the largest grassroots environmental movement in U.S. history, and the impetus for national legislation like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
9、By the twentieth anniversary of that event, April 22,1990,more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day celebrations.
10、Former US Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day’s co-fourider,modeled Earth Day on anti- Vietnam War demonstrations, called "teach-ins," that were common on college campuses. "
11、At a conference in Seattle in September 1969,I announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment," says Nelson. "The response was electric. Telegrams, letters, and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country."
12、As many as 20 million Americans participated in environmental rallies, demonstrations and other activities in the 1970 Earth Day.
13、Since the first Earth Day, however, the environmental movement has increasingly transformed itself from a largely grassroots, citizen crusade to a professionally-organized, established special interest.
14、Now the earth is in bad condition.For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time,many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.
15、Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.
以上就是英语世界地球日手抄报的全部内容,地球日的手抄报内容如下:地球日简介:世界地球日(Earth Day)是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,为每年的4月22日,由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯于1970年发起,旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员民众参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。