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  • 手抄报
  • 2023-07-28

英语国庆节手抄报简单又漂亮?国庆节的手抄报英语内容简短如下:October first is the National Day of China.十月一日是中国的国庆节。It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期。那么,英语国庆节手抄报简单又漂亮?一起来了解一下吧。





【 #六年级#导语】田野的山花是美丽的,港湾的灯塔是美丽的,夜晚的繁星是美丽的,庆祝生日的焰火是美丽的,一切的美丽都和亲爱的祖国在一起,祝福您,伟大的祖国。为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助烂岁敬。



My motherland has always been strong.


For your long holiday, add a little sweetness.


Sunrise East, eye-catching glory.



When the National Day comes, all families gather happily.


Happy National Day, happy National Day, happy National Day mood.



Best wishs to my country.致以我的祖国美好的祝福。

I love my country deep. 我深深地爱着我的祖国。

Strong and beatiful country like flowers.像鲜花一样美丽的祖国。

A tramendous dragon in east of Asia.东侍悉猜方升起陆好的巨龙。

Yello river,the Changjiang river,the great wall make a long territory.


Innovation,opening and development illumine the eye of the word.


Sun of draw which is my contry.我的老型祖国是黎明的太阳。

My country Bassinet of east culture. 祖国东方文明的摇篮。

I love you my mom. 我爱你,我的妈妈。

I am people's son,I love my country and people.




October first is the National Day of China.十月一日是中国的国庆节。

It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期。

People gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.国庆节前夕人们聚集态段圆在礼堂开庆祝会。

Public buildings were lit up for celebrating the National Day.为庆祝国庆节,公共建筑物灯火辉煌。

Several new plays will be put on the stage on National Day.国庆节将上演几个新戏。

The splendour of the National Day parade baffled description.国庆节游行的壮观景象非笔墨所能燃源描述。

Several new plays will be performed on National Day。


National Day material -- various countries National Day origin The National Day is each national important holiday, but the name has differently. Many countries are called "the National Day" or "the National Day", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the independent festival", also some calling "republican date", "州祥republic date", "revolutionary date", "liberation date", "national revival festival", "constitution date" and so on, but also has directly to the country's name adds on "the date", like "the Australian date", "the Pakistani date", some take king's birthday or ascends the base date as the National Day, in case king changes, National Day specific date also along with it replacement. Every time meets the National Day, the various countries all must hold the different form celebration, strengthens the our country people'搏哪s patriotic consciousness, the enhancement country cohesive force. Between the various countries also all must mutually express the congratulation. Meets five meets for ten National Days, some also must expand the celebration scale. In order to celebrate the National Day, the various countries' government usually must hold a time of National Day reception, by the head of state, the head of government or foreign minister acts on behalf of to manage, the invitation is stationed at the locality the various countries' diplomatic agent and other important foreign guests participates. But also has the country does not hold the reception, like US, England do not hold the reception. 国庆节资料--各国国庆节的基迹码由来

以上就是英语国庆节手抄报简单又漂亮的全部内容,1、我追星啊,五角星!I'm a Star chaser, five pointed star!2、国庆佳节喜洋洋,红红灯笼家家亮。The National Day is festive and the red lanterns are bright.3、愿你国庆乐起来,祝你国庆快乐哟!。
