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  • 英语
  • 2024-12-20

英语安全手抄报内容?英语暑假手抄报内容简单如下:1、Stay Safe: Put safety first and prevent accidents. 保持安全:安全至上,预防事故。2.、Sun Protection: Wear sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to stay safe under the sun.防晒保护:涂抹防晒霜、戴帽子和太阳镜。3、那么,英语安全手抄报内容?一起来了解一下吧。


当心触电 Danger High Voltage

当心碰撞 Beware of Collision

当心玻璃 Caution Glass

当心台阶 Mind the Step/Watch Step

小心滑倒/小心地滑 Caution Slippery /Caution Wet Floor

小心碰头 Mind Your Head/Watch Your head

注意安全 Caution

注意防火 Fire Hazard Area

非公莫入 Staff Only

禁止鸣笛 No Hom

勿扔垃圾 No Littening

禁止停车 No Parking

禁止停留 No Stopping

禁止吸烟 No Smoking


当心触电 Danger High Voltage

当心碰撞 Beware of Collision

当心玻璃 Caution Glass

当心台阶 Mind the Step/Watch Step

小心滑倒/小心地滑 Caution Slippery /Caution Wet Floor

小心碰头 Mind Your Head/Watch Your head

注意安全 Caution

注意防火 Fire Hazard Area

非公莫入 Staff Only

禁止鸣笛 No Hom

勿扔垃圾 No Littening

禁止停车 No Parking

禁止停留 No Stopping



With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus.

The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries.

I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without it.

2. 用电安全:Rules for using electricity the right way.

1). DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord.

It could damage the electrical system in your house or even cause a fire.

2). DO ask grown-ups to put safety caps on all unused electrical outlets.

Covering outlets will also help save energy by stopping cold drafts.

3). DON'T yank an electrical cord from the wall.

Pulling on a cord can damage the appliance, the plug or the outlet.

4). DO make sure all electric cords are tucked away, neat and tidy.

Pets might chew on electrical cords, and people might trip and fall.

5). DO ask a grown-up for help when you need to use something that uses electricity.

6). DO look up and look out for power lines before you climb a tree.

The electricity can go right through the tree branch - and right through you!

7). DON'T ever climb the fence around an electrical substation.

If a ball or pet gets inside the fence, ask a grown-up to call the electric company - they'll

come and get it out for you.

8). DO remind your mom or dad to watch out for power lines when they're using a ladder,

chainsaw or other outdoor equipment.

9). DO keep electrical stuff far away from water.

Most electrical accidents around the house happen when people use electricity near water.

10). DON’T fly a kite near power lines.

The kite and the string may conduct electricity-sending it right through you to the ground.


Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过

Wet Paint 油漆未干

Danger 危险

Lost and Found 失物招领处

Give Way 快车先行

Safety First 安全第一

Filling Station 加油站

No Smoking 禁止吸烟

No Photos 请勿拍照

No Visitors 游人止步

No Entry 禁止入内

No Admittance 闲人免进

No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭

Parting 停车处

Toll Free 免费通行

Admission Free免费入场

Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处

Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先

Save Food 节约粮食

Save Energy 节约能源

Handle with Care 小心轻放

Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内

Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火

Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶鐧惧害鍦板浘



英语安全手抄报 安全手抄报

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安全教育中学手抄报 安全教育手抄报





消防安全手抄报 生命与安全手抄报版面设计图手抄报

关于珍爱生命的英语手抄报 珍爱生命手抄报-



理解生命珍爱人生手抄报 珍爱生命手抄报-蒲城教育

高中英语安全手抄报 高中英语手抄报




1、Traffic safety slogan交通安全宣传标语

(1)Obey the traffic rules and enjoy a good life.遵守交通规则,享受美好人生。

(2)Its fast in one time, and its destroyed in one life. Drive courteously, and traffic is smooth.一时快,一世毁.礼让行驶,交通顺畅。

(3) The traffic rules must be obeyed, dont throw your life on the street.交通规则要遵守,莫将生命丢街头。

2、Walking safety: Pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk and walk on the right side if there is no sidewalk; crosswalks must be used to cross the road; pedestrians controlled by effective signals must comply with the signal regulations; pedestrians without traffic signal control must look left and right, pay attention Vehicles passing by are not allowed to chase or run; if there is no pedestrian crossing, they must go straight through, and they are not allowed to cross suddenly when vehicles are approaching; if someone is crossing a street overpass or underpass, they must use a pedestrian overpass or underpass; they are not allowed to climb the side of the road or the road The guardrails and isolation fences in the middle of the road are not allowed to pick up, chase, forcibly block or throw vehicles on the road.


以上就是英语安全手抄报内容的全部内容,1、Traffic safety slogan交通安全宣传标语 (1)Obey the traffic rules and enjoy a good life.遵守交通规则,享受美好人生。(2)Its fast in one time, and its destroyed in one life. Drive courteously, and traffic is smooth.一时快,一世毁.礼让行驶,交通顺畅。
